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  1. W

    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    @bible4ang Thank you for all of the resources, I'll definitely take a look! In terms of intolerances; the Soya one came about when I tried Soya protein powder after having whey all of my life and I felt horrendous, I then got tested and was intolerant so everything made sense. As far as...
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    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    @happyseeker I'm glad it isn't just me! I don't tend to do too well on an abundance of fiber so as you rightly say, the odds are stacked against me. I think I'm going to see how far I can take the bean and lentil options (peas sometimes aggravate me too, maybe the high glutamate content idk)...
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    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    @mrswhite13 When I try something new I always minimise variables so yeah cals remained consistent. Of course, I’m not saying that the difference in P intake is what made the difference, seeing as they also adhered to the newer training philosophies too, which could’ve contributed to them...
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    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    @mrswhite13 Not so much an increase in bf but I’d just be flatter and less 3D. At the other end of the scale, in the latter parts of a diet reaching 6-7% bf, I’d look noticeably softer and more watery sitting at 1.3/1.4. 1.1/1.2 is definitely the best of all worlds. Anecdotally, my friends who...
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    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    @mrswhite13 I didn't even know nutritional yeast was a thing but the macros look good so I'll definitely take a look at that, thank you. Regarding the protein/lb bw, respectfully; I think a lot of the literature on that is bs, or its just an incredibly subjective topic. I've sat anywhere from...
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    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    So I'd love to try plant based, but for the life of me don't know where to start in terms of getting enough daily P (180-200g). I've been bodybuilding for 14 years naturally and have predominantly followed a diet with fish being my main P source. I'm intolerant to Soya products, I suffer from...