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  1. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @dawn16 Thank you for clarifying, I went down the wrong tangent! Just to be clear, I'm not trying to fight here, so I just want to make sure I'm not coming off as a jerk, because being direct about a particular topic on the Internet can sometimes sound that way, and that's certainly not my...
  2. C

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @godsu Bro. Awesome.
  3. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @dawn16 It's one of those yes/no things: does the source of your macros matter for results? No. Does it matter what you eat? Of course. You can make ice cream milkshakes all day long with protein powder for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but that's probably not going to be too much fun later in...
  4. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @mike22475 Lose It! is a very good app! Calorie management works for both gaining & losing weight because that's the key measurement tool for growth, loss, and maintenance. And the good news is, calories is a simple formula! Protein + Carbs + Fats = Calories So if you're interested in...
  5. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @sega Yeah, I got really heavy into sourdough this year thanks to COVID. If you're into hardware, I got a Challenger bread pan & it's totally amazing: It's sealed, so it keeps the steam, it has handles EVERYWHERE, so you can easily...
  6. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @sega On a tangent, one of the biggest level-ups I experienced in the kitchen was switching to baking by weight, not measurement. SO MUCH BETTER RESULTS! You can loosely scoop a cup of flour or really pack it in there & vastly change the weight added to your recipe. For example, I spent a...
  7. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @sega That's a good trick! I have a cheap scale off Amazon & fortunately it has a button to swap between both imperial & metric, so even if something comes in ounces, you can just tap the button to swap. Although I wish we'd swap to metric, it'd be so much easier lol. Or at least do the...
  8. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @southernrunner Thank you! In case it got buried in the wall of text, here's the main guide: It's really super incredibly simple once the concept clicks, and it's really only a super-basic 3-step process: Set your goal (lose/maintain/gain) Generator your macros Adopt a meal-prep system to...
  9. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @rob_aston Yup, anytime!
  10. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @rob_aston Haha cheers! I type fast & I write pretty often, so for me, truly explaining something means having a conversation about typing stuff out in a lengthy way is just sort of second-nature for me now lol. Lengthy responses are not everyone's preference, but I love it when people...
  11. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @rob_aston No problem! So your body is a machine that requires fuel; that fuel is called calories. Think of calories sort of like gasoline for a car: you need to fill up the tank for the vehicle to move. Your body burns a certain amount of calories just by existing: you have to breath, your...
  12. C

    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @themrbt I went through a vegan phase; there's a surprisingly huge amount of (delicious) protein sources available. In powders alone: Brown rice protein powder Hemp protein (non-THC) Peanut butter powder Pumpkin seed protein powder Soy protein powder Spirulina powder Sunflower seed protein...