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  1. J

    how can i (f) gain abs? i don’t need to lose weight but i’m definitely not in shape exercise wise

    @mberg3 thanks, i’m not aiming for super prominent just a bit more defined. that’s a good point about the abs, does that mean i can’t get them tobe a bit more defined without weight loss? i’m actually a bit underweight so i don’t think that’s a good idea here’s a picture of my current ab...
  2. J

    how can i (f) gain abs? i don’t need to lose weight but i’m definitely not in shape exercise wise

    @mberg3 my abs are visible through my skin just not defined and i definitely don’t have too much bodyfat. ty for the advice! is there strength training i can do at home/without equipment
  3. J

    how can i (f) gain abs? i don’t need to lose weight but i’m definitely not in shape exercise wise

    @dawn16 Thanks so much i love those leg raise thingys i can totally do that!!
  4. J

    how can i (f) gain abs? i don’t need to lose weight but i’m definitely not in shape exercise wise

    @triangulumvivid tysm! honestly i don’t care if my (hypothetical) abs are super prominent or whatever i was just more worried about it changing my already lacking hip to waist ratio
  5. J

    how can i (f) gain abs? i don’t need to lose weight but i’m definitely not in shape exercise wise

    my body-fat/weight is already low enough for you to see my and but they aren’t defined at all. how can i grow them/make them more defined (at home)? I heard sit-ups can make you more boxy and i’m already a rectangle so i definitely don’t want to accidentally do that.