@omnitude I found just doing pistols as deep as I could and gradually increasing the ROM worked better than anything else. I tried voodoo flossing and every other mobility aid but none of them seemed to work for me.
@orlandodoncarlossalina All the AMRAP sets seems like a good way of building tons of fatigue for marginal gains.
I would suggest a deload and back off the 0 RIR work especially for the compound lifts
@hteezy I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The answer to your original question is twofold
1) adaptive resistance is a thing so what used to work won't work indefinitely
2) You are doing a program that is essentially a powerlifting program and these programs are not designed with arm...
@kate930 Jim Wendler who is obviously not a bodybuilder but is strong AF calls it majoring in the minors.
People focus way too much on stuff that doesn't matter and ignore the important stuff like just work hard
@napoleon111 Also if someone has great physical genes their arms likely don't stop growing after 6 months of training.
Or maybe I'm just jealous because it took me about 4 years to bench 130kg
@napoleon111 I don't doubt it is possible but it is much less likely than people making shit up on the internet. Especially given his attitude in his responses here.
@vsw874 My experience suggests it is not a myth.
Obviously n=1 but my side delts never feel underecovered regardless of amount of volume but quads frequently feel like they need extended recovery times