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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @worship4him Linear progression only works for so long in terms of strength gains and you need to periodise your training
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @hteezy I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The answer to your original question is twofold 1) adaptive resistance is a thing so what used to work won't work indefinitely 2) You are doing a program that is essentially a powerlifting program and these programs are not designed with arm...
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    A storm in a teacup

    @kate930 Jim Wendler who is obviously not a bodybuilder but is strong AF calls it majoring in the minors. People focus way too much on stuff that doesn't matter and ignore the important stuff like just work hard
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @napoleon111 Also if someone has great physical genes their arms likely don't stop growing after 6 months of training. Or maybe I'm just jealous because it took me about 4 years to bench 130kg
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @napoleon111 I don't doubt it is possible but it is much less likely than people making shit up on the internet. Especially given his attitude in his responses here.
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @mybridges No chance someone has a 130kg bench press after 6 months of training. Has to be a troll
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    An Ode to the Bro Split

    @dawn16 As Stan Efferding says compliance is the science
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    Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

    @kellyy08 Good point. I hadn't thought about that.
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    Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

    @mariajo I know its an unpopular opinion on this sub but you can safely fail a set of squats and it is a skill most serious lifters should learn
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    overtraining impacting results

    @clertole Guessing his squat has about 5 inches of total ROM People who can legit squat 570 aren't training to failure every session like OP claims
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    overtraining impacting results

    @itsjoseph I've seen plenty of people "squat" 570 in the gym but never seen anyone even get close to parallel doing it
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    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @gr3mlin I'd be more worried about adaptive resistance than injuries
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @vsw874 My experience suggests it is not a myth. Obviously n=1 but my side delts never feel underecovered regardless of amount of volume but quads frequently feel like they need extended recovery times
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @jewels261 It depends on the individual trainee but for me personally I just spammed a ton of arms and side raises as they are stubborn body parts for me
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @losvelle 531 is fine but is catered more to strength than hypertrophy and gives people free reign to pick their accessories which they almost always fuck up
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    Losing the dad bod

    @wayne1980 RP have a video on this :
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    Vellner does 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs in 5:37

    @dawn16 It's also a lot easier to judge
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    Vellner does 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs in 5:37

    @chiole I still have PTSD from the burpee mile
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    Crossfit Boxes in the UK

    @francoisakafran I've spent time at Nottingham and WItham Lincoln and would recommend both