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    5… or 6 days a week?

    @williamw You went from "not recovering properly" to "consuming too little protein?". That's what I was referring to. I'm not saying that protein doesn't play it's part, your source does provide good info. But e.g. adequate calorie intake or training volume, like OP was stating, are more significant
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    5… or 6 days a week?

    @williamw Didn't downvote but protein is only a tiny variable of proper recovery. Even quite overstated in my opinion. It just feels quite bro-sciencey to believe that protein must've obviously been neglected
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    GoRuck: Lessons learned the hard way

    @simpleone77 Just an example of a case that made big news here a while back. Most of the time there's a big difference between...
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    GoRuck: Lessons learned the hard way

    @gertlush Who does that? They're just gonna throw your sweaty shoes away Downvote me all you want, it's true. You're glorifying a wasteful practice. Ignorant bunch
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    Do you supplement L-Leucine?

    @sgtbrimcg36 Leucine activitates mtor, which is why ~3gr spikes throughout the day are optimal. That's why "higher quality" protein powders often aim at ~10gr leucine/100gr, as the standard protein serving is about 30gr .which equates 3gr leucine. For...