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  1. S

    How has weight loss affected your bra size?

    @huk945 Been on a diet since September but have only been tracking my measurements the last twelve weeks. I've lost more on my band measurement (-0.86") than on my bust measurement (-0.46") in that time, with a little over six pounds lost (from 27.4% to 23.3% body fat, according to the Navy...
  2. S

    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @randalthor1604 Generally my day to day diet is lower in fat and higher in protein with an emphasis on whole foods cooked at home. Those days before my period I stick more strictly to this and avoid eating out. Some foods higher in fiber (specifically popcorn, which I love) tend to cause an...
  3. S

    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @freds I make sure to eat pretty clean around four days before my cycle starts (easy to track as it's always the day before the full moon) in order to minimize the bloating. I don't feel weak but am definitely not motivated or in a good mood in those few days. I think drinking more water is...