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  1. S

    Rate my full-body routine

    @mommajulesberry 1) I'll try but it must be more about the weight than the volume because I'm already tired as hell at the end as it is. 2) I guess I can. What heavy lifts would you suggest? The heaviest weight I have is 2x10kg dumbbells, so that's what I do RDLs with. Also I'm a bit limited...
  2. S

    Rate my full-body routine

    Hey, so I've been working out in some ways for the last 2 years or so, and after changing my routine a few times, I've wound up doing this. I'm M 24 169cm (5ft54in) 66kg (145lbs). I do it 3 times per week (that's the most I can do with my schedule, hence the full-body thing) and it takes me...