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  1. J

    What music do you listen to at the gym?

    @alag A lot of later hardcore punk - the first two Gallows albums are often all I need. But also Fugazi, quicksand, minor threat, pantera, ministry, white zombie, stooges, black flag, Melvins, qotsa, slayer, alien weaponry, discharge.
  2. J

    What music do you listen to at the gym?

    @hupomone10 Heilung….
  3. J

    What music do you listen to at the gym?

    @makingprogress What is it about that thunderclap at the beginning of reign in blood that gives you the magic ability to push out another set?
  4. J

    Equipment nerds— what are your favorite machines?

    @dkitching What’s the love for seated dip machines? My gym has one that does both seated dips and assisted pull-ups and I don’t think I have ever seen anyone use it for anything but assisted pull-ups?
  5. J

    I don’t like lifting 😔

    @ajewelinhiscrown What kind of lifting do you do. (I find barbell work boring as hell, machines stupidly tiresome, but get me near dumbbells or a cable machine and I am blissfully happy).