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  1. S

    HLM vs. resets?

    @btyler101 I've been doing 531. My general rule is on the AMRAP sets, if I'm not hitting two more than the base (i.e. 3 reps on a 1+ set) and still have something left, I'm too close to the edge. For example, this cycle, I hit PRs on both Squat and DL. But, that's where the similarity ends...
  2. S

    HLM vs. resets?

    As I continue in my analysis paralysis over whether to switch to HLM, I've been thinking about resets. Let's say I'm doing exercises A, B, C, and D. Based on how things feel now, I group A+B into my heavy day, and C+D into my light day. For my medium day I do A+B but at a reduced weight and...
  3. S

    Workout routine for my mother

    @greenwolf The classic book on this stuff is Also search for Greysteel on YouTube.