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  1. L

    Body part split better than upper/lower?

    @michaelsouby I prefer muscle group splits too. Whatever keeps you consistent is better than optimal!
  2. L

    F training for a bikini fitness comp

    @sinnersavedsaint So there’s a few things to watch. Averaging weight gain. Weigh everyday in the morning after you pee. On Sunday (or whatever day really) take the 7 day average and compare. BF% if you use calipers or a machine keep track of BF% change. You can check on the same day you do...
  3. L

    F training for a bikini fitness comp

    @sinnersavedsaint Good luck! Also note depending on how long you’ve been cutting your TDEE might be lower than you expect, so keep an eye on average weekly weight gain to make sure you aren’t gaining to fast.
  4. L

    F training for a bikini fitness comp

    @sinnersavedsaint Did you factor in your active calories? I would go 10-20% over maintenance calories for a bulk. If you only go slightly above you will probably just increase your NEAT and not gain. Check out Layne Norton on YouTube or instagram.