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  1. K

    Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

    @arisha That’s why it’s a range. Adjust as necessary. I get about the same either way.
  2. K

    Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

    @joy_m Protein is cheap here and I don’t like assloads of carbs, so I just swap the two down to whatever I like.
  3. K

    Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

    @edd3 So a 3500cal bulk diet would have anywhere from 250-290g protein. I’m almost always on the lower end but leave room for whatever. A 2200cal cut diet would have 220-275g protein. I sit in the middle on cuts so I’m just about the same as a bulk.
  4. K

    Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

    @jamesgray You can’t know until you try it and see what works for your body. My general rule of thumb is 1g/8-10calories while cutting and 1g/12-14calories while bulking.
  5. K

    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    @kaieraai I was born with god tier calves and a split chest that won’t grow for shit. Be careful what you wish for.