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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @hummingbirds I’m 19 right now and thank you, my chest is probably my most developed muscle and my bench is probably my strongest compound lift out of the three. Thank you for recommending me to gain weight. I’ll look into bulking. What would you say would be an ideal weight to maintain during a...
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @kavi0808 Thank you for this axtually, I’ll try and implement this based on my program. I’ll actually try and follow a program and maybe implement these pause reps
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @tp243 Thank you, I’ll look into periodization
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @julienott90 I only gained 5 pounds in the end but my bench went up from 235 to 260 in 9 weeks. Thsnks
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @julienott90 Thank you. I’ll Try gaining weight. What weight would you recommended me hitting and staying at for the bulk ?
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @harley Yea I’m ngl, I’m not too deep into weight lifting and I don’t really know how powerlifters would workout cs how body builders would workout. I just workout while being a CS student. But I’m trying to get more dedicated and involved now. Thank you
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @harley Sorry. I just started doing these 4x4s in attempt to increase my bench. I’m more into aesthetics but I feel like the the growth of my chest is lacking strength wise
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @mmderivative Thank you, I started doing an actual program and my bench went up from 235 to 260 in 9 weeks
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @mmderivative Thank you. I’ll look into periodization and sub-maximal training with a peak week. This is all brand new stuff for me.
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @heartnsoul19 Thank you, Russwole VOL 3 got me from a 235 to 260 bench in 9 weeks!
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @heartnsoul19 I did search up some “powerlifting” programs and came across one that people recommended by this YouTuber, it’s called Russwole power building volume 3. Are there any you would recommend?
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    @guaguar Thank you for replying. What type of progressions would you recommend ?
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    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    5’9, 160 lbs, 19 years old. Started lifting right before I turned 18. I hit 225 bench in February of 2023. Fast forward to now, I just hit 235 in july. Am I doing something wrong? Why is my bench progressing so slow. Current split is Arnold split(chest day twice a week) Wondering if I should...