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    10'000 swing challenge begun!

    @shawnmcg Hi and best of luck on your challenge. Back of your thighs, hamstrings? You would feel those more if you do the hip hinge rather than squat. As for knee bend, the knees should bent, unless you're doing the stiff-legged swing, but they should stay above the ankles when looking side...
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    Kettlebell strength training and flexibility/mobility. Are you feeling stiff? 10 KB exercises to challenge your ROM 💥

    @jim35215 Absolutely. But it depends on who, strength, conditioning, weight, etc. everything taken in context. What's dangerous for one might not be for another. Take someone unconditioned and even 12kg is not a good idea. As for end range, I agree, it's obvious that's where the danger lies, but...
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    Kettlebell strength training and flexibility/mobility. Are you feeling stiff? 10 KB exercises to challenge your ROM 💥

    @jim35215 Hi. Absolutely, it's important to rotate the thoracic. The blue bell is just 12kg, but that's all I need, it's about the movement and light resistance. I had a look at the video, I like what he says "the exercise is not dangerous, it's a lack of preparedness".
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    Are you SHOULDER or SPINAL pressing—Are you CHEATING?

    Are you SHOULDER or SPINAL pressing and more importantly, are you CHEATING? Find out by watching this video. The concept applies to the kettlebell press, dumbbell press, barbell press, and any other press with any exercise equipment. Video #cavemantraining #kettlebell #kettlebelltraining
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    Kettlebell strength training and flexibility/mobility. Are you feeling stiff? 10 KB exercises to challenge your ROM 💥

    @moorelake7 You're welcome to your opinion. Facts and results speak the truth. Those are right here and with the people I train and have trained, 45 years of age, lifting, running, fighting, and injury free. Injury free because of my training. Yes, these exercises can cause injury, but so does...
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    Kettlebell strength training and flexibility/mobility. Are you feeling stiff? 10 KB exercises to challenge your ROM 💥

    Maybe you can relate to this question. For those that do, here are some kettlebell exercises you can use to put your own ROM challenging routines together with kettlebells: Spiral press for thoracic rotation Pull-over into scap opener for triceps, lats, and scapulae Racked deep squat for...