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  1. T

    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @power1 Great advice! Will try this out, thanks alot :)
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @power1 Thanks alot for the in-depth advide! Will definetly take it with me and try to swap around some of the exercises and replace with bodyweight counterparts, I started looking around a little more and found that the recommended routine in this sub has skill days, I do not currently have...
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @followchristianity Thanks for the suggestions! Yes I have added lunges as @yodo suggested
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @meme2206 Thanks alot! will for sure check it out and try diffrent exercises and see what feels best!
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @meme2206 Thansk for the feedback, yes from what i gathered its alot of compund exercises in bodyweight training. Would moving down to fewer days a week and a diffrent schedule be more beneficial? Right now im going 6 days PPL
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @yodo Yea it burns real good with diamonds!
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @yodo Oh okey, then the chest presses are pushups as alternatives? Diamond pushups and such
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @yodo Thanks for the tips! Yes starting by adding dips and working on my pullups are for sure a good start. Was thinking about diffrent exercises that could be suplemented, like would something like pike pushups be similar to incline bench?
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    Hello all! I have recently been thinking about incorporating calisthenics with my weight training(as I know some muscle groups are just alot easier to do with weights) Would it be possible to just alter my current rutine? Or would I need to build a new one?I have tried to research diffrent...