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  1. J

    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @mstub You are doing fine. At the risk of oversimplifying things, the weakness is caused by your strong muscles still lacking the energy stores to contract, while soreness is caused by inflammation from your body flushing waste byproducts as your muscles repair themselves. So you are fatiguing...
  2. J

    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @lucyt25 yes, although you should be barely able to do one quality pushup right now. I'm guessing your form is sloppy. You may want to do sets of incline pushups as you build up strength.
  3. J

    Considering a new approach to strength and hypertrophy by implementing high rep training

    @brohoho Try it. But measure yourself first. The only way you can really know if it works for you is with objective measurements.
  4. J

    What are your thoughts on this crazy stuff?

    @christianr_ They did bother with editing. That is the problem.
  5. J

    What are your thoughts on this crazy stuff?

    @christianr_ my thoughts are the editing is giving me a headache.