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  1. B

    I can’t even do a wall push. Not even one

    @alidvx This is literally what every single person trying to get fit goes through. Instead of disparaging yourself, congratulate your self that you are doing something to better you and that it's hard but Ok so you've identified a weak spot - now keep on keepin' on. Good on you for recognizing...
  2. B

    Squat form check please :)

    @arealwomanalwyz Your wrists should not turn like that - it's causing the bar to drop down your back - maybe put your hands out further. seems like there is a bracing issue - on your way up I can see the lack of bracing and the result is the lower back straining. I see you are crooked? maybe...
  3. B

    [Update] "Squat form check please :)" + bonus deadlift video

    @arealwomanalwyz one of my biggest things is this as well. I have to constantly tell myself squeeze the glutes don't thrust the hips. i sometimes have better results when i do some band walks to activate my glutes prior to deadlifting.
  4. B

    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @bkrolex I have a few go to's deadlift: head shoulders knees and toes - singing it of course strings pulling my nipples up Push the ground away Literally every shoulder exercise: back and down back and down back and down