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  1. J

    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @ravensfan Lol Ill be honest it does depend on the person. Some look much better in a bulked state, some look much better in a lean state, and of course you have plenty inbetween. Im definitely one of the people that look much better leaner. I noticed with myself and others have told me this too
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @alamostthere Ive followed Jeff for 10 years. Hes definitely a high-responder to training and is genetically blessed. I feel like that might be way he does so well with such low volumes. I dont think low volumes are bad either bc Im fairly low myself. I could be talking out of my ass here but...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @bluemoonwailer Do you think its just a time thing? Theoretically a longer bulk requires a longer cut (assuming you stay in a surplus throughout and dont maintain a higher BW), which means total time bulking/cutting should be similar in both scenarios. But many believe you have to get relatively...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @nathanpin77122 I guess youre right that there arent many downsides to it. In general I dont like going off course which is why I dont very often. Honestly I never liked Israetels RP meso-progression style. It starts out too easy and ends too difficult. I feel like the general masses have gotten...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @nathanpin77122 Ill be honest I havent experimented as much as I should have over the years. I stay in a pretty narrow window of parameters based on how much work I know I can handle. The 2 volume/intensity set ups I mentioned Ive been doing for the last 8 years of my 14. Theres only so much...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @pinetowntree Thats good to hear and I hope it to be true that one isnt shortchanging themselves over time by doing it this way. I typically will bulk for 8-9 months and cut for 3. Basically trying to maximize my progress while still looking good/lean in the warmer months when Im at parties, on...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @bubblegoose42 About his strength I was thinking that that could be related to his mentality towards each set. If you arent load-chasing (still within the 5-15 range) and just focus on getting the most out of the weights you use then the numbers will build up much slower. From the outside...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @yearningforspirit I like the quote "success leaves clues". Anecdotally speaking many of the natural guys who are adding the most LBM to their frame over the years support the idea of an extended bulk period. Many of them believe its key to reach the highest levels of advancement with a natural...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @becknps Id love to read it and its very tempting but I always told myself Id never spend $ on lifting related e-books. I dont wanna give in haha
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @becknps Yea so I basically just count direct work for each muscle. So rows/pulldowns are only counted towards back. Curls only for biceps. Etc. But yes Id say currently I train more like the British BBers ideologies taken from Jordan Peters. Very load-focused, lower volumes. Still controlled...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @becknps I noticed in this video he goes over his sets/wk. The way I like to count volume is all pushing together, all pulling together, etc. I cant watch rn at work but going by this I think he was like 35+ for UB pushing compounds and 35+ for UB pulling compounds. The rest were a little less...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    As for the training focused natural bodybuilding YT channels w/ quality info these 2 have some of the most lean mass on their frames, and their training styles are very similar: They train HARD (extremely close proximity to failure, if not to failure). Same as me, now They do a lot of volume...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @persevering Yes this is exactly what Im referring to. Many support this idea. That you need to get relatively heavy and stay up there for a long period of time (in this case 2yrs) to truly level up your physique as a natural. Ive heard that phrase before, "owning the weight". And if you cut...
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @tarper Im close to just starting at the upper/lower and seeing how it plays out but im a big supporter of more moderate training frequencies for longevity (tendons, ligaments, joints, etc) especially since im 30+ y/o now. Right now I train my major muscles 2x every 9 days and this would be 2x...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @excelsior9000 Nah, thats it. I dont compete but I still want to maximize the amount of muscle I can add to my frame. Basically the long term goal is to just keep getting my lean (8-9%) bodyweight higher. If that means I have spend time bulking up then Im gonna take that route.
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @tarper JP is the man and I just heard him say this in the new video series, haha. But Id say Im fairly experienced for a natural lifter after spending 14 years training. Going by his guidelines based on development (full body --> UL --> PPL --> body part split) Id say my upper body is at the...
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @tarper How would you practically apply this to your split set up? I wanna take recovery times into consideration when setting up my next split but it feels unorganized and all over the place haha. Dont wanna cause imbalances either. Seems like on average my strong points (chest/lats) are more...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @leena2016 Id say thats a fair assessment. The only problem is Id almost call it impossible to gain 1lb (or less) per month on average. Sure I believe Ive done it before gaining 10-12lbs/year but how do I know that rate was consistent throughout. What if I had a month of 0 gain. No matter how...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @leena2016 Yes over the years Ive used varying rates of weight gain. In theory as an experienced lifter your rate of potential muscle gain is so freakin tiny that it seems most logical to gain BW at a snails pace (
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @elxdalto Haha, always chasing that improvement. Maybe not fat but definitely soft/blurred to the point Im hesitsting to take my shirt off in front of people. Itd be very difficult to throw in the towel and stay lean knowing I wont put any more muscle on my frame. Many believe to truly level up...