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    The 3-Minute Burpee Test: A Minimalistic Alternative to the Conventional Estimated Oxygen Uptake [VO2max] Test

    @churchtexter A few points: - Military people aren't superhuman, anything physical that is done in the military can be done with civilians, everyone who's entered the military starts as civilians - There's plenty of video footage of people doing upwards of 50 burpees in a row with no ill...
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    Busy Dad Program Trial Run

    @trogdortheterrible Good shit mate. Even though I don't follow the exact program, the idea of 20 minute burpee sessions has done wonders for my conditioning. I'm only up to 140 six counts, cause I'm doing 7 burpees EMOM, and that's quite tough right now. Do you think you'd be able to run this...
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    Is 1 set x 80 reps bodyweight squat too much ?

    @helexzy High rep bodyweight squats are great, lots of benefits, if one is willing to really spend the time and pain threshold to do potentially hundreds of them 80 was probably too much for you right now. Get plenty of food, general movement, and sleep. Then try it again, and see if it had the...