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  1. P

    New jogger looking to eventually run a mile. Need tips!

    @wolftone Any sort of movement will be better than no movement. Go for walks at first, or grab a bike and go cycling. Once you lose weight, the impact jogging has on your joints will lessen, and you'll be in a better spot to start running. The worst thing you can do is start doing high impact...
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    Advice for skinny fat, cut or bulk?

    @tracytray02 People go through bulking cycles of putting on weight and cutting cycles of losing it to show off their gains. Some people do 6 month cycles, others do 3 month cycles. Have your cycles line up with when you want a particular body at a certain time. Want a nice summer beach bod...
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    Advice for skinny fat, cut or bulk?

    @tracytray02 Do you want to get bigger, or do you want to get abs? Those are conflicting goals. To get bigger your body converts a surplus of calories into muscle after working out. You need to put on weight (normally as fat) so you have something to convert into muscle. You'll also need to...
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    Frustrated With Inability To Shed Body Fat

    @marktina9767 That's all looking solid. If you keep it up, you will see results. Your doing a workout and not eating much, so your body composition is likely changing to put on more muscle which will gain you weight, but that's healthy. Muscle burns more calories while in a resting state, so...
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    Frustrated With Inability To Shed Body Fat

    @marktina9767 Again, you're not giving details. Besides only eating 1950 calories I don't know what you're doing and can't give you that feedback.
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    Frustrated With Inability To Shed Body Fat

    @marktina9767 I don't know what your diet is so I can't really tell you if there are any immediate adjustments you should make.
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    Frustrated With Inability To Shed Body Fat

    @marktina9767 200 calories less a day means you'll be burning off a pound in about 2.5 weeks. So at this point you'd have burnt off around one pound of bodyfat. If you're putting on muscle as well, then you'd have gained it back.
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    Frustrated With Inability To Shed Body Fat

    @marktina9767 First, I'd stop seeing that nutritionist if they're not helping you. Your lab work came back clean. Lacking any sort of metabolic or hormonal disorder, there's nothing for a medical professional to assist you with. Second, calories in has to be less than calories out. That's...
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    Doubled weight in pregnancy. 8mos PP. Have 2 10lb barbells and 35lb kettlebell. What’s my timeline on losing this weight??

    @tiffy420 Multivitamins and water-mixins with nutrients help provide low-calorie nutrition but make sure your body is still functional!