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  1. M


    @jackdcat I would also just like to add something that I wish someone had told me when I was younger. It is TOTALLY NORMAL to be at a healthy weight and have stomach fat. Those pictures you see all over the place of super lean women with flat stomachs? Most of them don’t always look like that...
  2. M

    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    @crosswalk1991 Comparing yourself today to yourself yesterday kind of sucks too. Bodies change, beauty standards change, aging is a normal part of being human. I’m not trying to be the same weight or measurements of my 20 year old self after 2 kids and at almost 40 years old, that’s not mentally...
  3. M

    What is your lifting/cardio routine?

    @michaelo I change mine up every few months. When I’m training for a half marathon I lift M/W/F and run T/Th with a long run on Saturday. When I get burned out on running I weight lift Mon-Fri and throw an easy run on to the end of my workouts. I eventually start itching to run longer distances...