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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 Not quite sure what you mean by grinding reps. Is this form breaking down and just pushing through with bad form or doing partials? I think partials done with good form are beneficial when training to failure but I don't enjoy them so I don't do them. But I do train to failure...
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    Why do gear users have different Protein requirements

    @johnc101 Strange isn't it. I said the same thing as the highest upvoted comment!
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    Why do gear users have different Protein requirements

    @rogue06 Gear users are usually much heavier then naturals. More weight = More calories = More protein.
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @gloriousday Interesting you say this. I haven't noticed any synergistic effect but have actually been able to halve my modafinil dose recently without noticing a difference. Maybe increase the lions mane dosage and see how it goes.
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Creatine Ashwaganda NAC Lions Mane Vitamin D Multi vitamin Modafinil Zinc Bovine Collegan powder 5-htp Cbd Omega 3 Sometime a dissolvable electrolyte tabet Pre workout with the usual ingredients Protein powder - I don't count as a supplement but many do. I think that's it...