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    DFW W1D1

    Yes each round is a full ladder of both C&P and FS The next weight up I can get 5 presses but form is not solid all the way through so I am using the next one down (a 4kg step down) Maybe I’ll do the 1-2 part of the ladders with the heavier bell and 3 with the lighter bell?
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    DFW W1D1

    @wolfboi7 Thanks!
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    DFW W1D1

    @premier3092 Thanks. I’ll try the heavier weight for part of D2 and see how that feels. The load I am using is a probably more like 8-9RM but the next bell up is a true 5RM but the strict press form breaks down or turns into a small push press by the 5th rep.
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    DFW W1D1

    @hunter101 Okay thanks. Then I am overthinking. I’ll swap out a heavier load on some of the ladder I think
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    DFW W1D1

    Is this too much or too little for 30 minutes? I didn’t feel like it was grinding but I’m very used to High Intensity workouts so it still ended up with me in a pile of sweat. So should I slow down or is the fact that I didn’t have consistent rounds mean I’m not pacing well? Round times R1 |...