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    I Was Fired from a Fitness Studio for Not Being Active Enough

    @chaorabite If living a certain lifestyle is so important to them, I'm wondering why they didn't ask her these things during her job interview. If they care so much about how her personal life fits into their business culture, they should've screened for that before they hired her.
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @leisa_peacock Protein World is especially misleading with this. As far as I can tell, their Slender Blend is just regular whey protein.
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @ibelong Thank you for this! My friend was asking me if she needed to take protein and before I could answer, our fitness junkie friend jumped in and started going on about the 30 minute metabolic window that you have to start taking protein powder etc etc...