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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @catherineone Yeah, you could try taking that up to 2g of carbs/pound and see how it looks. Your fats are also borderline minimum so it might not hurt to get a blood panel done to see your androgen profile.
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    Latest move by Berkshire CutFit (franchising models survey)

    @grace4nan The developed world is capped on affiliates, if not still slightly oversaturated. GG was crazy about a lot of things, but his free market narrative did its job for the most part although (based off this sub) there is seemingly still a good portion of owners who have little to no idea...
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Teams / Age Group / Adaptive Discussion Thread Saturday

    @jonjones229 How’re the announcers just going to casually forget that Mayhem got 2nd in 2017
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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @catherineone What’s a rough guess on the split of your macros percentage wise? My knee jerk would be that you might need more carbs if you’re that lean.
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    Latest move by Berkshire CutFit (franchising models survey)

    @grace4nan That I don’t know and I guess time will tell. I have no connection to the brand, but I know of Iron Tribe Fitness. It’d be interesting to see what their profit model is. There are far fewer but that’s likely because they weren’t first in the game. I also know Deuce tried creating a...
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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @catherineone Curious, if you don’t mind sharing, what are your anthropometrics?
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    Echo vs. Assault Bike // Which is Harder?

    @chloejm Wouldn’t it make sense to do a constant work rate test and see what the other parameters look like? Maybe 10:00 at a constant work rate of 350W and see what RPM and calories looked like. Throw in HR as well for some internal loading measures. With this design, there is nothing similar...
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    Latest move by Berkshire CutFit (franchising models survey)

    @grace4nan I’d agree, but it seemed like @thunderstruck was conflating the two. I’ve got no doubt this will disrupt the affiliate space. But I’ve also got no doubt that this will not make any significant change in the amount of people who subscribe to the methodology.
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    Assault Bike Wods

    @scorpius22 50 cal for time Single 10-sec effort for max wattage, followed by Max :30 intervals at 90% with one-minute rest. Tabata for max calories Max Calories in 60 seconds 10 x :30/:30 for max calories 21-15-9: Assault Bike, Burpees, Rower (if you have a rower) SAMCRO: 30/25/20/15/10/5 Cals...
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    Latest move by Berkshire CutFit (franchising models survey)

    @thunderstruck CrossFit doesn’t have to be done in an affiliate though. So if you’re talking the number of people who could benefit from the methodology, this likely doesn’t shake that number too much.
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    Anyone catch Sevan and Hiller talking about Olivia Kerstetter's weight?

    @justabeggarwhojesuslove I remember a comment about not being able to be healthy consuming carbs in the video. You’re burying the lead with the EPOC stuff. The magnitude of EPOC from strength training is worth mentioning which is where things get tricky. If The Methodology is the best way to...
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @singerchic55 Interesting. I’ve taken a few stats classes so I thought their analysis was sufficient but would be interested in hearing where you think the flaws are.
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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @oneworld Should we start with the fact that we’ve actually been sleeping more recently than we have in the last 50 years?
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    Anyone catch Sevan and Hiller talking about Olivia Kerstetter's weight?

    @justabeggarwhojesuslove I will need to actively watch the video to give you specifics because I wasn’t paying full attention. IIRC, there was a point you mentioned about building muscle while in a deficit. I think there were other parts regarding some less than correct takes on carbohydrates...
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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @oneworld Scientists who study other aspects of physiology or disease. Curious: what’s you’re field of work?
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    Latest move by Berkshire CutFit (franchising models survey)

    @thunderstruck Hometown of 20,000 people. Four CF gyms. None of them in garages. All of them look better than most every gym I was in pre-2015. Black Swan-ing this point doesn’t change the reality. Look at the audience at the Games, read people’s posts in this sub, look at what CFHQ is...
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    Anyone catch Sevan and Hiller talking about Olivia Kerstetter's weight?

    @justabeggarwhojesuslove If it actually matters to you, link me the video that you talked about a friend at dinner asking you about CrossFit and I’ll find the timestamps.
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    Latest move by Berkshire CutFit (franchising models survey)

    @thunderstruck Because the average end user has evolved beyond the glamour of a fight club-esque gym. From my experience, those little gyms either force themselves out by not being profitable or take the leap to move to a bigger, nicer space. I understand the ramifications, but that doesn’t...
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    Anyone catch Sevan and Hiller talking about Olivia Kerstetter's weight?

    @yahsway I caught a Hiller episode that auto played while I was meal prepping today and he was talking about weight loss and it was so wrong. Embarrassingly wrong. Like Dr. Fung and Gary Taubes level wrong.
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @mbahchidinma It’s both, but one is a primary effect and the other secondary. The substances changed the anatomy of the cell (myonucleanated Type IIs, increased satellite cells on Type Is). The former will result in increased peaks (sprints, power, etc) while the latter will result in greater...