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  1. B

    5’8” 148 lb, ladies what’s your tdee?

    @jd34 Hello twin!! I’m sure the 2600 is not right and I’m expecting it to drop down to about 2100. I’ve been eating at around that, on average, for the past 4 weeks and not gained, maybe lost a little, so I’m assuming I’ll be around the same as you. I’m currently sticking to around 1700...
  2. B

    5’8” 148 lb, ladies what’s your tdee?

    @glorygram Yes I think so too! I am trying to lose a bit so eating at a deficit. Although in reality most weeks it’s closer to maintenance. If I drop as low as 1500 or so I’m far too hungry, 1800 - 1900 is very comfortable for me and I can do it very easily during the week. The weekends go...
  3. B

    5’8” 148 lb, ladies what’s your tdee?

    @hovi Yes I’m thinking I’ll get more accurate results after a few months. I find it fascinating though, especially seeing so many ladies with numbers well above 200 cals a day! I’d love to go back and tell 20 year old me to just eat more and be happier! 30 year old me loves not being hungry all...
  4. B

    5’8” 148 lb, ladies what’s your tdee?

    @aodh%C3%A1n I was trying to lose weight at 1700 a day, based on tdee calculators. That’s okay during the week but really interferes with my weekend plans of enjoying some wine so I’m trying to eat around 2000 on average across the week. It’s sort of working. I’m not that much lighter but I do...
  5. B

    5’8” 148 lb, ladies what’s your tdee?

    I’ve been tracking using the standard spreadsheet that can be found on here, for around 4 weeks now. I’ve lost a few lbs in that time but I’ve mostly hovered around 150 - 148 I’ve the last month. My tdee has consistently sat at around 2600 I go to the gym around 3 times a week and do a full...