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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @ishi Seconding Layne Norton. He spells it out pretty good in layman’s terms and breaks down some of the myths.
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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @reddragon4444 Calories are calories but there are tons of variables in how your body processes the calories, individual differences in basal metabolic rate, and how it burns calories through NEAT. It’s definitely individual and complicated. That said, there isn’t a difference with calories in a...
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    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @tomaszpl First off that look at your sleep quality as it’s clearly off. Secondly for diet focus on reducing processed foods, sugar and refined grains; mainly eating real whole food. Get a solid amount of protein in your breakfast. There are a lot of exercise routines that can be done at home...
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    HLM vs. resets?

    @snowyflake I’ve been doing an HLM variant since the start of December. Before all this it was basically fuckarounditus, then a SSLP/Phrak’s GSLP mix. Can’t say I’m a super experienced lifter but I'm past novice gains at least and so far I really like the switch to HLM. It’s working for me. I...
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro 50m here. I started lifting at 44. I deadlift and squat heavy but also focus a lot on form and avoid ego lifting to avoid injury. So far so good. I credit deadlifting with improving the back aches I had from years at a desk job. Of course YMMV as I know everyone’s fitness journey and...
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise As everyone else is stating you are light for your height. You seem to be over obsessed about leanness and a little belly fat. In general, when people who already are light for their height are mainly focused on leanness they end up spinning their wheels cutting and not growing...
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    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @grace_mercy I didn’t start lifting until 44 years old. Now I’m 50 with a squat of 365, bench 240, and deadlift 450. I also go on longish 25 mile bike rides with friends that are much older than me. I definitely need to manage fatigue and recovery, but I also don’t feel wrecked like it seems you...
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    How much calories/protein should I eat to gain muscle? 25 F

    @guariglio8195 The protein recommendation from Stronger by Science is 1.8g of protein per kg of bodyweight (or round it up to 2g for good measure). For you that is 102-114g so by that measure you are doing fine.
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    34/m 6'2" 215 lbs coming to the end of a long bulk and wanting to hear any other experiences

    @nicole198 You can do whatever you want. Just saying you asked why squats have stalled and it’s probably because you haven’t made them a priority.
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    34/m 6'2" 215 lbs coming to the end of a long bulk and wanting to hear any other experiences

    @nicole198 Your bench is far ahead of your squat. But benching 3x a week and only squatting 1x a week will do that.
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    At 93, he’s as fit as a 40-year-old. His body offers lessons on aging

    Good inspiring article from the Washington Post about a fit 93 year old rower who didn't start training until he was in his 70s! Here is a gift link for the article in the Washington post:
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    Gym workout programs for those who can't do dead lifts?

    @finnfierro Wow yeah that sounds easy to reinjure. Sorry to hear that.
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    Need some macro-nutrient advice

    @ruthyoerg You likely don’t need as much protein as that site says. This site goes into the actual science of how much you need: Also all those macro calculators are pretty much bro science. There is no...
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    Gym workout programs for those who can't do dead lifts?

    @finnfierro Not sure what you mean by Anterior meniscus ligament , as others say there’s no such thing. If it was your anterior meniscus cartilage then sometimes those manage or are repaired, depends on your case. If it was your MCL usually those heal fine. If yours didn’t then you would have...
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    Cutting regiment after 5/3/1

    @sold4christ25 There is very little reason to change programs during a cut. What you want is a program that incorporates auto regulation. And 531 incorporates auto regulation. During the initial part of your cut, you will probably be able to lift like normal. Then as it drags on, you’ll lose...
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    Routine first, strength second. Critique my game plan, or provide reassurance! My origin story, and an introduction to your newest member

    @ryspi76 That approach is basically exercise, as opposed to training. Nothing wrong with it really if that’s what you want to do. You’ll get more fit and probably gain some strength over time. If you really want to focus on strength, then a more regular strength program using progressive...