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  1. G

    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @amn i like dr mike, the issue with him is that sometimes he throws around acronyms and highly technical terms which makes the video hard to understand for noobs like myself i will seek out the other two, thanks again
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @amn i use overhead extensions with dumbbells so that i stress my wrists less, after my injury in 2018, 2023 is the first year where i can actually put any weight on it, so i'm just being careful for now, my biceps are with the ez barbell though i should educate myself more on the concepts of...
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @amn Very helpful, thank you I found that the amount of weight I put in that lets me go to ~15 reps on the 3rd set, is about as much as I can lift while keeping my form correct. As in, I feel that increasing a bit more will force me to do some bad reps at the end. But I suppose I can stop at...
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @heartboy that's actually what i just did a few minutes ago i removed the shrugs and added RDLs
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @dawn16 Going to failure was mentioned in some videos by Jeff Nippard and Dr. Israetel, I guess I misunderstood what they were saying?
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @antponetteoaks you are spot on in my ignorance, i kept doing 10 reps and not the 3rd set to failure i've been doing to failure on 3rd sets recently, and stressed my heart out, i'm resting now, and hence my reasons for cutting back in sets
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @antponetteoaks I was actually doing about 54 sets per session, over 3 hours. I guess you are really efficient with your sets. I tried drawing up a PPL routine a couple days ago, and was heavily criticized for that (though I tried knowing what was exactly wrong with it and was just downvoted)...
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @monkeym24 regarding this, would the link below be a good starting point, do you think?
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    Hi everyone, In an effort to reduce the number of sets I do, I am creating a 3 day full body routine for myself, and would appreciate some suggestions. I am 32M. I drew it up bearing in mind that #1 I workout in my home office so I have access to a bench, a pull up bar, some dumbbells and a...