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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @ensea12 I'll hit the gym regardless and see how it feels. If I'm not where I want I'll either do a light workout or I'll back off for a day. There are plenty of days where I don't feel like going to the gym but the workout ended up amazing.
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @jayaraj I have terrible leverages for squats. I do leg press and hack squats instead, and compensate with a little more core work in other places.
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    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    @brock It's notoriously hard to judge rate of perceived exertion when you're lifting in higher rep ranges. I know for myself I can't do sets of 20 leg extensions without buckling under the lactic acid before muscular failure. Lowering rep ranges to 8-12 makes it a lot easier to hit 1-2 RIR (or...
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    Protein shakes per day?

    @nickaustin I take 50-75gr from protein powder per day
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @hteezy (I read some comments) Nsuns is mainly a powerlifting program; most of the sets spent on compound lifts aren't going to be effective for hypertrophy, and it's hard to add an appropriate amount of accessories for all muscle groups without ending up overtraining (especially as a beginner)...
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @hteezy You're in r/naturalbodybuilding claiming you started off with a 105kg (231 lbs) bench press, and gained another 22,5kg (49,5 lbs) from august to november? That's well over a 1,5kg (3,5 lbs) increase on your bench per week, at an intermediate level. Either you mistyped kilograms when...
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    Seriously stubborn and weak chest

    @theodor98 At the top of my head, barbell and meadows rows, weighted pull-ups, romanian deadlifts, squats, overhead press, DB curls.
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    Seriously stubborn and weak chest

    @theodor98 I use leverage flat- and incline bench machines, a lot like this, with the handles adjusted all the way to the bottom. For chest and upper back I use exclusively machines or cables. I'm pretty much 50/50 between free weights and machines/cables for other body parts.
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    Seriously stubborn and weak chest

    @polarbearwear My chest started growing noticeably when I moved from free weights to machines.