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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @tjdwns1291 I think we’re arguing over different things. I wrote a long post to another commenter about this. I do think most programs today are functional, but this wasn’t the case in the past. And there are still idiots who work out in a way that makes them weak and prone to injury.
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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @tjdwns1291 Gym can mean functional fitness. It just means focusing on exercises that enhance naturalistic movement. Edit: I didn’t realize “functional” fitness was such a controversial idea. Ridiculous. Have fun injuring yourselves.
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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @insanelydisturbed I didn’t want this to turn into a big debate. And generally I agree with you on your point. But I don’t think that is what “functional fitness” is about, and I think to some extent a lot of modern workout routines have already incorporated a lot of the principles. And it’s a...
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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @tjdwns1291 I think “functional fitness” has become something in the culture in a way I don’t mean it. I think that a lot if not most of programs already incorporate functional principles. Mobility, stability, off plane strength, emphasis on full body exercises. Resiliency in other words. That...
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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @kitten22 There are plenty of gym bodies that are terrible at anything remotely functional. I see it all the time. Most of them have no real mobility, no core strength and just end up getting injured.
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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @tjdwns1291 I disagree. Functional fitness is about being able to use your body well and enjoy being active in life. Wait until you have kids who want to play with you all the time, you’ll get it.
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @lostscaredme There is so much core strength you build going from half kneel to standing, and vice versa though. It’s also imo the safest part of the movement. I don’t really get it.
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @thoughtkeeper Lots of opinions out there. There are quite a few MMA/BJJ athletes who would disagree with him though.
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @faiththeist12 No, he has made statements like “I don’t know of anybody who has made their body composition better doing Turkish getups.” Which is just a really dismissive statement and incorrect.
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @sharita3737 His opinion of TGUs is pretty over the top. He just doesn’t like the movement and really thinks it shouldn’t be used at all. But it’s a perfectly safe movement if you have good control and good form. You’re much more likely to injure yourself doing anything with a hip hinge...