@anonyorthodox haha I like this answer. I love planking for core work but I do it with plates on my back for shorter time and much more difficult resistance. But when planking, when I get towards a single minute I'm just ready for it to be over so I can do something more fun.
@gottothinkpositive OP listen to this comment.
I'd add in squat stretches in general too....just hanging out as low in a squat as you can for as long as you can.
@childofgod49 Just an educated guess. There's a kind of core strength you only can really get by actually doing slow pull-ups with legs out, not bent back behind you. A hollow position while doing pull-ups.
@childofgod49 And core strength? Maybe try wheel roll-outs and hanging knee/leg raises...and slow time under tension pull-ups focused on engaged core (ex: 1-2 seconds up and 3-5 seconds lowering for each rep).