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  1. L

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @basia Close to failure - yes. You have to go close to failure if you want bigger muscles. Close to failure means sth about RIR 1-5. If we talk about min. number of sets you probably should go to failure if you want to experience muscle growth with only 2-3 sets. If you won't go to failure you...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @basia But I didn't say that you should go to failure, even something opposite. I've just said that in most studies they go to failure, because it's the easiest way to track. "Also, is 5 sets in 4 sessions really equal to 10 sets in 2 sessions?". Lower rep ranges are less fatiguing than the...
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    Science and Push-ups

    @dawn16 You can do diamond raised push ups :)
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @riddik Increase, do for month or two and see what happens. If you'll notice progress - great, keep doing that until the progres stops. If not - something else stops your progress. Don't be afraid of testing things on yourself. You have to change something from time to time to see progress...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @nusue If your goal is muscle hypertrophy you have to do more in time. E.g. in your 5 year of training you should do more than in your first year of training. That's a general rule of progressive overload which can be applied everywhere. The main thing driving muscle hypertrophy is mechanical...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @dn08 Thanks~! Will be more in the future :)
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @annie2011 Thanks man! Really appreciate that :)
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @nusue Man, I'm not a Chris Beardsley xD “high tension and moving slowly.” In other words approaching failure. What? Nice interpretation. Another info from Chris: Infographic Man, it's not only the last one rep that recruits all high treshold motor units.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @nusue Chris Beardsley - Fatigue, failure "The only way to be certain you have stimulated all the muscle fibers (types I, II) is to reach failure." No, that's not true too :P E.g. I know that with +50kg on belt I can do 6 dips because I've tested this. Thus I know that when I do 5 reps I've...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @nusue No, that's not true. Any evidence or just empty words?
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @seekingchristiancommunity Thanks man :) I think that most of us have to go through this.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @dawn16 Hmm... I don't think so. If you want to be very precise and you want to count sets very, very accurate - you should know not only what muscles hit given exercise, but how it changes with different modifications. 1.If you do some modification of a given exercise, let's say you do close...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @dawn16 "How are we supposed to count sets per muscle group? So if we're aimingfor 10 sets per muscle group a week, how would that potentially look?" That's a good one bro, really good. It's really tricky thing because in compound movements it depends A LOT on your technique. If you don't know...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @confirmpassword10 Hmm... No, why? I mean that 5-10 sets for a given muscle group, e.g. biceps, taken to or close to failure in one training session is the best choice. Doing more than that will not result in any further muscle gains.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @hammerlabuk @hammerlabuk But hey, I didn't say that the hypertrophy occurs only in that rep range, keep it in mind :D 6-12 rep range was used in most of the studies.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @confirmpassword10 It depends on your RIR (reps in reserve). If your RIR = 0, meaning you go to failure, you should probably increase RIR to 1-2, meaning doing less reps. I really encourage you to start tracking your RIR.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @confirmpassword10 @confirmpassword10 If that's the only thing you do for chest - yes, that may be a good choice. It gives us 15 sets per week which is a good number of sets. I assume that you want to maximize hypertrophy, because if you've got other priorities you can do less than that. But...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @zachmo Man, you should be proud of yourself, really. That's amazing that you do that. Keep in mind that you can progress with going to failure, short rest etc. Is it the best way to do that? Our current knowledge say something different. Just because you're progressing now doesn't mean you'll...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @kam4031 @kam4031 General TUT isn't important if your goal is hypertrophy. TUT on high treshold mottor units is important. About going to failure, check this: Chris Beardsley - Failure, fatigue