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    DEXA w/ photos and videos [5'4.5"/115lbs/25.8%]

    @penny7 Ah, that makes a lot of sense. So does that mean other tests -- e.g. underwater, bodpod, calipers -- don't take into account the visceral fat? So would they be underestimating BF%?
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    DEXA w/ photos and videos [5'4.5"/115lbs/25.8%]

    @ruky I agree with you on that. It's good to know whether we should lose fat and how much. Which is why the BF% is important in comparison to what is considered healthy for that particular test. e.g. if DEXA results are a little higher than other tests, and "lean" is considered ~18%, then...
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    DEXA w/ photos and videos [5'4.5"/115lbs/25.8%]

    @amydoodles Glad the post helped, and thank YOU for sharing your DEXA scan to spark these two threads :)
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    DEXA w/ photos and videos [5'4.5"/115lbs/25.8%]

    @ruky Thank you so much for sharing details in your DEXA scans. I had asked a body fat question a couple months ago: do you look your bodyfat% It seems most people who had DEXA scans say their DEXA BF% result is higher than other methods. And not just by a little, but as much as 5-10%. Given...
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    DEXA w/ photos and videos [5'4.5"/115lbs/25.8%]

    @arisemydarling This is relevant to me. Can you please elaborate a bit on why muscle is always lost during a cut? Not sure if this is the same, but I've been on a maintenance diet while still lifting. My lifts are going up, but very very slowly -- like, 5 lbs every 2-3 weeks. I feel stronger...
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 This is fantastic! Can the mods please add this to the FAQ, if OP does not mind? I'm talking about this in particular: user progress
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    Was this one of you ladies? (X-post from /r/funny)

    @causticwolf Made my day! So funny, inspiring, and awesome.
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    Was this one of you ladies? (X-post from /r/funny)

    @nurseir Ah thanks for this one. I posted the HuffPost version but yours is much better quality.
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    Was this one of you ladies? (X-post from /r/funny)

    @causticwolf Looks like Huffington Post has the longer version! edit: /@nurseir has the better video: