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  1. K

    Reminder: it's very hard to get adequate nutrition on a high-carb, low-fat, low-protein diet

    @denispa Yeah, totally. When I left the meat world, the texture was something I missed for a while. I think it's interesting I'm being downvoted. I'd think most vegans would want to sincerely stay away from the meat world, but I guess there are a lot of people who really, really miss it.
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    Reminder: it's very hard to get adequate nutrition on a high-carb, low-fat, low-protein diet

    @firespeed45 Fake meat totally grosses me out. I'm looking to avoid animal products, not mimic them. I don't understand the obsession with recreating animal products with highly processed vegetable matter. I really don't. Unless you're trying to convert carnivores and this is the only avenue?
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    Thanks to you guys I went for my first weight lifting session last night!

    @thisgenerationfulfilled That's fantastic! And there's nothing quite like the feeling of happy sore muscles after (or 48 hrs after) a great lifting session. Congrats on your accomplishment! Hope you continue to enjoy.
  4. K

    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @porcelainrose Crafting and fibre arts. Switches the area of your brain that's working.
  5. K

    Sports Bras w closures?

    @silvershark I feel you! I looked like crazy online for a front closure sports bra this summer because I get claustrophobic when I try to take off sports bras. I have shoulders! Lovely ones - my favourite part of my body. But they are indeed wide. Found one from lulu that works great. Would...