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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    Leaderboard updated, so many people misspelled names
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    @fredindallas It's more work. I would say okay if it were just one person but now that it's over 50 people playing I really don't want to open up this option.
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    @ccld Prizes for first, second, and third would be great! I'll keep track of things through all three weekends and then we can have a big announcement thread. I'll also figure out some tiebreak method by tonight so that we can avoid that possibility.
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    @fredindallas yesssss
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    whoa 53 entries! I think I remember something about /@fredindallas promising a prize
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    @fredindallas Posted
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    I guess there's no reason to not post the spreadsheet with everybody's picks, right?
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    @cnsgrl taking the first individual event from this and calculating the difference between sydney and US EST using this It looks like things start at 10 PM...
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    This week's fantasy regionals entries are now closed. Good luck, everybody!
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    @roseaqua yeahhh I'm not doing that
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    Chris Hinshaw AMA

    Hey Chris, thank you so much for doing this. I'm pretty convinced I suck at breathing during WODs, and it's seriously holding me back. Besides doing aerobic workouts to increase conditioning outside of CrossFit, do you have general tips for strategic breathing during WODs?
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    FANTASY REGIONALS: South/Pacific/California

    This is it, the first of three parts of the /r/Crossfit Fantasy Regional! LEADERBOARD UPDATED 5/15 11:00 AM EST Current Top 5: @nungirl_7 (9937.2) @samanthamathis (9874.6) @leannec (9866.5) @epiphenomenon (9847.3) @carlosmaniaa (9839.2) ENTRIES ARE CLOSED, CLICK HERE TO VIEW PICKS UPDATES...
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    Chris Hinshaw AMA

    @bb2008 this question is simply not viable enough, it needs more
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    FANTASY REGIONALS WEEK 1: South + East Regionals

    @pdick Your second entry will be discarded.
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    FANTASY REGIONALS WEEK 1: South + East Regionals

    @mixedupnicely waiting to the last second helps me once again!
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    Chris Hinshaw AMA

    Welcome to the Chris Hinshaw AMA! Chris will be on at 7 PM ET using the @catrinabrosko account to answer the questions you ask here! Hello from Chris! Chris is the endurance coach to hundreds of CrossFit athletes that range from the day-to-day CrossFitter looking to efficiently and effectively...
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    bOX cULTS

    @dawn16 the least enthusiastic endorsement ever
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    FANTASY REGIONALS WEEK 1: South + East Regionals

    @apparitionxvii I had to check, looks like it would be pretty easy so yeah I'll post them.