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  1. J

    is fast metabolism really a myth?

    @londonmum I have to eat way more than what I supposedly should eat for my BMI, even when I'm inactive
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    is fast metabolism really a myth?

    @rumiakthar A lot of people say it's a myth but I imagine they're just the ones with slow metabolisms lol I wish I could slow mine down as its a nightmare trying to bulk... I know people will say I'm just 'not eating enough', but ultimately means I have to spend more money on food, more time on...
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    Triceps tendonitis/tendopathy for over 1,5yrs

    @alodiafaye I came here to post about eccentrics but see you beat me to it 😄
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    Recurring weak serratus anterior

    @pacific75 Sure, it was mostly scapular pushups and serratus punches w/ cable or resistance band. I also once got prescribed 'stir the pot' with a swiss ball which hit it really hard... also bear crawls but you need a lot of space for that
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    Recurring weak serratus anterior

    @halterfr33 Yeah I think I've seen that... with the cable serratus punches? I'll probably start doing them again too
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    Recurring weak serratus anterior

    @cfitz Thanks, yeah I'll probably keep up with the scapular pushups!
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    Recurring weak serratus anterior

    First off, Ive had a number of physio appointments over the years which have ruled out any nerve damage etc But I keep running into problems every now and then caused by a weak serratus anterior, I then go back to the physio exercises (e.g. scapular push-ups) which tend to fix it. Im confused...