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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @bluefleur That is crazy!!
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @bluefleur Wow that sounds crazy! Well makes sense then that you can't really stay in contact. Hopefully that never happens to anyone else. So sorry you went through that.
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @bluefleur Even if you don't remember them, I promise they remember you :) Could always just go to the unit you were in & tell them you don't remember them but wanted to tell them thank you. You may even be able to put a face & name to some of the ones that are a blur for you. It really helps...
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @bluefleur Wow!!! Way to go! Congrats on your accomplishment in the triathlon. That's so awesome!!! I'm so glad that the nurses took such great care of you. Please keep in touch with them and let them know of your accomplishment and how you're doing. I love many things about my job, but there...
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @seescandy Makes perfect sense! Thank you for the advice.
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @stephenv Oh I remember the soreness when I used to exercise regularly, and I didn't mind it at all back then. You're right, it's a rewarding feeling, and every time you do something that makes that soreness scream at you, you don't even mind it b/c you know it means you pushed yourself. This...
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @kaiisbae Yeah I went into the workout thinking that my body would tell me when it was too much, and it did a few times. So I made some adjustments during the workout but kept pushing through for the whole 30 minutes. So I think, yeah, for a very first workout, I maybe should have just warmed up...
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @gerrysj I thought about this too. I work night shift full-time and going to school full-time right now. Trying to attend group classes is really hard with my crazy schedule, unfortunately, so I knew I would probably come closer to actually doing the workouts if I could do them when my schedule...
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @danielleadrivet I know you didn't mean it to be funny, but I giggled when I read the "do exercises for the elderly" part of your response lol I saw the tart cherry juice/pills recommendation when I read through a few of the posters with similar advice requests. I've never heard of using that...
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @dawn16 Ok then that shouldn't be hard to do, since I felt great...until I went to bed and slept! lol Any opinion on this tart cherry juice/pills someone recommended?
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @dawn16 I wondered about the epsom salt bath. Does it really work? When do you do it? Right after a work out, before you go to bed after you've worked out earlier in the day? I've tried doing a little research about it, and it's a little conflicting, but as sore as I was I dont' know if I could...
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    I'm pretty sure this topic has been talked about here ad nauseam, so I apologize upfront about that. I'm a 43-year-old female who recently decided to make some changes this year. This included getting into better (not great, just better) shape by exercising 3-4 times a week and eating better...