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  1. I

    Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

    @jesusisking1 i lost 15 kg expecting to see day and night difference looking at my progress pics (fairly i didn’t take any at my heaviest so maybe 10kg difference). but no it looks like 5 kgs at best. taller people losing this amount of weight look very different in their pictures, so i thought...
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    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @irishamerican4christ it's unlikely u will be losing eating that much, especially if ur in normal BMI range. 8k steps isn't even enough to be considered lightly active. for us short girls it's hard to lose as we need to drop calories pretty low and have to stop eating "normal" foods - myself...
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    How much protein is enough to loose fat but gain muscle about? 5’3 129.4 LBS 21 F

    @amersjo there’s never too much protein, but 180g for ur stats sounds hella high. i would definitely sacrifice some of it for other food groups, maybe some fatty fish for unsaturated fats and carbs to get extra workout fuel. but if it works for u i have nothing against that. also since OP is...
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    Petites who has successfully lost those last ~5-10lbs, did it make a significant difference in your body?

    @dassahjoy i was in deficit while lifting and built plenty of muscle, but haven't reached my goal (2kgs left but it just wasn't going anywhere) so i went on to maintain. so i can't answer the question, but maintenance been feeling great, and there's still a good chance i'm leaning out over time...
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    Plateauing 8 pounds above my goal

    @corgigal did u take any maintenance breaks? it can help. for every ~3 months of deficit, take 1-2 weeks break when u will be eating maintenance calories. then weight should continue to gradually get down. also u will gain few pounds initially as u will likely eat more carbs while maintaining so...
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    Can 3 days in the gym be good enough?

    @luin31 u can cut and train just as hard as u would do during maintenance, all at the same time. it will suck at times since u won't have as much energy but u will still make progress if u get enough protein and push hard. if possible, add more cardio vs lowering calories further, lifting...
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    Can 3 days in the gym be good enough?

    @luin31 what i mostly mean by beginner phase is the amount of muscle and strength u gained, as whether u have any newbie gains left, or not. because the longer u train, the harder it is to continue progressing. so when newbie gains phase is over it is important to optimize both training and diet...
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    Can 3 days in the gym be good enough?

    @luin31 3 days/week is good, especially if ur still in a beginner phase. i'd do upper, lower and full body, but if upper body isn't the focus then what u have in mind sounds nice too. in about 4-6 months of consistent lifting and progressing, u would benefit from increasing the amount of...
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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @jodi1028 that hit the spot. i know people love to remind others to be kind and allow or forgive themselves those inevitable slip-ups, but i could never apply that to myself. this kind of talk feels discouraging and demotivating somehow. not saying we should be perfect in each aspect at all...
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    What’s your diet look like?

    @jermoh eating around maintenance, tracking calories and macros. i plan my day in advance and first add in all the protein for my meals (goal is 120g total which will be just about 1g per 1 pound for me), then i add carbs to accompany those proteins (veggies, bread, noodles). eating same...
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    I’m lost!!!

    @kuysniks so imo, bulking is overrated, while training hard is underrated. but even if we don't care of what i think, 300 calories worth of surplus is a little too much in ur case. ur not underweight, so generally, under these circumstances, ur body won't respond as well to bulk as if u were...
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    How to calm down after weight loss?

    @birdinmypalm the next thing is to go onto maintenance and focus on exercise. get plenty of protein, healthy fats, fiber. maintaining is not very different from cutting, as u continue to do all the same things but just have more freedom when it comes to food. exercising now will not be for...
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    What should I wear to the gym as a overweight man 5’9 270

    @e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC i guess u could wear some oversized t-shirt and comfortable shorts/sweatpants. ur regular shoes will work fine, pick the most comfortable pair u have, clean them well and it's good to go. don't try to look better, and instead make sure ur fully comfortable. u don't...
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    Do Soft Grip Dumbbells exist?

    @gibbs41 came here to suggest gloves as well. can’t keep buying comfy squishy dumbbells forever, it’s not very future proof in my opinion. there’re good gloves with nonslip material, and it would be way cheaper too
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    Weight lifting makes me irritable (but running doesn’t)

    @hopeeternal no idea as what could cause that but i enjoy lifting when i'm pissed off by something, being angry helps to push harder. some suggestions if u haven't tried: getting caffeine before workout, doing workout at different time of day (early morning or later in evening, depending what it...
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    I’m afraid of gaining weight, after tracking calories

    @deborahl5255 hopefully therapy will help with mental part of it. as for routine, i'd recommend having some rotation of staple meals going on, and do meal prep to have those meals on hand. develop routine of eating around certain time windows and just repeat. log what u planning on eating early...
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    Is my training program good or bad? I'm new to this

    @voice_itw looks good to me. go with this program for a good while and then, adjust from there. u got some nice exercises in ur program, i'd do 90% of those myself