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  1. J

    M/20/5'10" [57 KG to 73 KG] My one year natural progress

    @calijohn007 Keep in mind bodybuilding isn’t the same as general fitness, weightlifting, or other athletic modalities. Bodybuilding is specifically about aesthetics. And even if you did count other fitness modalities, the Greeks were rough...
  2. J

    M/20/5'10" [57 KG to 73 KG] My one year natural progress

    @calijohn007 You’d be wrong. The Greeks did not train for aesthetics.
  3. J

    M/20/5'10" [57 KG to 73 KG] My one year natural progress

    @conductornano East and Southeast Asians are some of the strongest people on the planet pound for pound. See Olympic weightlifting competitions. Also not an excuse! And yes, although physical fitness has been a part of many ancient cultures, bodybuilding and weightlifting were most widespread...
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    M/20/5'10" [57 KG to 73 KG] My one year natural progress

    @conductornano India is the birthplace of bodybuilding. Genetics is not an excuse.
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    @mac64 25.15 nFFMI @ 165lb 5’5, 17 years of training. Guesstimating 12% BF. Barely made the cut!
  6. J

    How do you choose your supplement brand?

    @freethinker711 Oh this is interesting. I get these spasms all the time after hard workouts, sometimes lasting days. Maybe I need to try magnesium.
  7. J

    What's the equivalent to the 1,000 lb club or a sub 20 min 5k in other fitness domains?

    @yunderdahl0101 I really think it's a mental issue with muscle-ups, at least if you've got the requisite strength, meaning once you've felt yourself going up once, your body will know what to do to replicate that motion. I've coached a few people to their first muscle up--granted, they were all...
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    What's the equivalent to the 1,000 lb club or a sub 20 min 5k in other fitness domains?

    @sprinkle Calisthenics is so weird. I was able to learn the muscle-up within an hour with a decent strength base, and did one-arm pushups with each side on my very first attempt last week. On the other hand, I have been trying to learn a basic handstand hold for a year now.