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  1. J

    Low volume workouts and the effectivity of ‘RIR-based’ training

    @heartnsoul19 Sounds like you would do well to listen to JP. Very much of the mind set of 1 set to failure, and then beat it each week. As you progress you may need to increase the volume. Recommend you give his YouTube series a watch
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    7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

    @faithfulmommy1821 Volume is too high IMO (no need for the 5 set exercises). A good framework for leg days that I use are Squat/leg press variation Hinge variation (e.g. RDL, hip thrust) Unilateral variation (optional depending on how your set up is) Leg extension Leg curl Calf My personal...
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    7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

    @kona5 Iirc. There was a study that showed seated was slightly better than lying. In reality though, it really does not matter that much. You gym may have 1 but not the other, or it may have both. Use 1 for 6 months and then swap, and repeat
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    PPL 3 days or 6?

    @whwvekwk You can do a upper/lower split 3 times a week. Week 1 - upper, lower, upper Week 2 - lower, upper, lower Or you could do a full body split with priorities on each day E.g. day 1- push (3 exercises) pull (1 exercise), lower (1 exercise) Day 2- pull (3 exercises) push (1 exercise)...
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    Workout split PPL X Arnold

    @cdnguy37 If you are able to beat your reps each week and/or increase weight (whilst maintaining the same technique) that you will be good. It then comes down to exercise selection
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    Workout split PPL X Arnold

    @romo Couldn't agree more, 1set in the 6-10 rep range, 1 set in the 12-20 rep range, both sets taken to failure and you are all set. Works perfect in a full body set up (1 exercise per body part) or an upper/lower (1-2 exercises)
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    Workout split PPL X Arnold

    @romo Debatable, as long as you are training in close proximity to failure you will stimulate growth if you are doing multiple sets. If you are truly training to failure you do not need 3 sets per exercise (especially if you are doing multiple exercises for the same muscle group).
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    Workout split PPL X Arnold

    @cdnguy37 Any program will work. What actually matters is how you progress the program over time and how you actually perform the program Are your reps and sets staying the same week to week? When do you add weight? Are all sets taken to failure or how many reps in reserve are you leaving?
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    Workout split for working a corporate job?

    @zijai My main training sessions are Saturday (upper) and Sunday (lower). During the week, if I can I will also try and do a full body or upper session usually on Wednesday. All sets to failure
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    Workout split PPL X Arnold

    @cdnguy37 What exactly is your question?
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    Increased my sleep from 0-6 to 6-8 hours and it did not make any difference at the gym

    @dearlyloved Counter thought - maybe you would have plateaued already if you didn't increase your sleep. By sleeping more you have been able to continue to progress?
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @kimmyk401 I work at one of the top sports science universities in the world (well up until 2 weeks ago at least), and have been a part of numerous studies over the years. Several of my friends work in the nutrition field, it is the general consensus that we pretty much know everything that will...
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @kimmyk401 Then you are doing pretty much everything to maximise your gains. Supplements like these won't make much (if any difference). If you are not seeing the results you want then either you are not doing the above, or you just have to give it more time
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @kimmyk401 Minimal effects Ask yourself, is my daily nutrition actually good? Could it be better, how is my sleep hygiene? Am I training with sufficient stimulus in the gym? Am I doing all the above consistently?