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  1. H

    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    @tomatohorse Secretly this is on the back of my mind too evil laughter
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    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    @enoch524 That’s amazing and so so motivating!!
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    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    @cahlil I feel you! I have a Vegas trip coming up with my mom and I feel like such a burden to tell her I’ll be exercising and showering each morning before we can start our day, but after reading this I realize she’d probably be more than happy to join me. Thanks!
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    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    @dejikamson Yes! So proud of you for sticking with it alone!! You should be insanely proud of yourself. That’s 5 weeks lost for her and 5 weeks under the belt for you!
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    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    @zain I should clarify, we use the community gym in my apartment so I’m just hanging out at home while I wait (with phone charger!)
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    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    @temi Oh gosh brushing things off is the story of my life lol. She’s definitely noticing and there are slightly more mornings where she shows up on time. Just slightly though
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    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    @dawn16 Yess! I don’t know why I didn’t just adopt this mentality sooner lol
  8. H

    Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

    My best friend and I have been working out M-F mornings together for the last 6 months. I am NOT a morning person, but because she starts work earlier than I do, I force myself to wake up at 6 so we can work out together at 7. I’d make my coffee, change, and sit around in my workout clothes...