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    First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

    @mphsmom but either way use boostcamp or Hevy to track your workouts. tracking is 100% essential to make sure you’re actually making progress and not just winging it at the gym
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    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @lechy shorter people have lower tdee. it sucks but it is what it is. 1600 is not that low
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    Feeling disappointed

    @mrs_h oh lol! no not at all. i just wanted commenters to take all context under consideration bc weight loss advice can vary depending on a persons starting body fat % thats all 👍🏼
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    Feeling disappointed

    @mrs_h no i mean her total cals consumed could be sub 1000. for instance my mom is 5’4” at 146 and if she ate at a -500/1lb deficit its sub 1200. and if she continued to lose weight at that rate it would get lower and lower. you dont think we should heed any caution at all when giving...
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    Do y’all drink protein shakes on days you don’t work out?

    @jerryfont thats like asking if we eat chicken on off days. its just dehydrated milk with extra steps. its just food not a special supplement
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    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    @allroads hard to say unless you tell us an example of one days or one weeks worth or training. like # of sets in an exercise, how many reps, and how close you are to failure. and how many mins of rest between sets i agree w the other person that the abs is insane. its a muscle like any other...
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    Feeling disappointed

    @harko personally i would not recommend a 1lb a week deficit for a potentially mostly sedentary 5’4” 122lb woman. that can easily be sub 1000 cals or maybe even less depending on the person at that weight im not sure why she wants to lose weight at all...
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    How to gain weight :/

    @monica23 slurping 2 tablespoons of olive oil might not “feel” like you ate much compared to a single cup of protein yogurt however the olive oil is 200+ cals and a cup of yogurt is 90ish. how much you “think” or “feel” youve eaten genuinely doesnt matter and is a lesson youll be thankful to...
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    chest and tri day help

    @modestmom1975 straight up lessen volume til your body adapts. do compounds before isolations make sure your chest press+fly isnt redundant. make one of your movements either incline or decline focused
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    Feeling disappointed

    @fayerie91 ofc i dont know what you truly look like, but based on this database comparing women at similar heights and weight i think you should focus on body recomposition more than weight loss. id still track calories so you’re getting...
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    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    @hopelessfool ok i was kinda with you until you said you were pushing to failure every set and still being able to match reps 8,8,8,8 ive never heard of that being possible. theres gotta be RIR somewhere in there
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    I started working seriously 7-8 months ago, I feel weak if I dont eat like every 3-4 hours or so

    @dawn16 theres no need to bulk more than a standard bulking rate. what this person needs is diet and nutritional advice to help stay full, not an unnecessary bulk plan
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    I really don't like Squats, can I just do leg press instead?

    @heislove1980 knee health will still apply to leg press, but yes. i personally do close stance leg press for more quad bias
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    I started working seriously 7-8 months ago, I feel weak if I dont eat like every 3-4 hours or so

    @enochnaki the more muscle you put on the more calories you burn. even if youre the same weight, you will still burn more bc muscle burns more than fat. what youre not used to thinking about is also thinking about eating specifically satiating foods. just eating a meal consisting of 200cal...
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @theoseeker dont avoid cardio, just make up for the calorie loss with diet.
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    Extremely confused about caloric deficits + healthy eating

    @simonpeter111 On a garbage diet you may notice much more painful period cramps. Its good to have a healthy ratio of protein, fats, and carbs. You just also in general feel better physically and mentally especially when you are in a deficit and already low energy bc of that. Eating a balanced...
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    Beginning fitness routine

    @christianityrocks its bc u put (v) in front of everything and we’re not sure what that means lol
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    Is 30 too late to aim for an ‘athletic body’?

    @norman70 im a 27yr old woman making fairly good progress so id hope so for you lmfao bodybuilding is a lot of time investment, but an “athletic body” that the average joe thinks is great should be fairly attainable
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    Trying to gain weight since FOREVER

    @stephmw do you like pasta? bc noodles in general are really calorie dense. and then once you feel “full” have like 2 cups of milk after. you can even add olive oil to the pasta for an extra bit i think you may do well to research calorie dense foods overall bc to gain weight you dont need to...
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    Best machines for working out the back of the thighs that you can buy for home?

    @goldenangeleyes23 thats just a contraption. pls dont buy contraptions lol