@vinod367 3x3-5 progression was fine. I basically did double progression adding reps and weight whenever I would hit top numbers. I ether go low rep weighted or AMRAP bodyweight.
@vinod367 Bullshit. I went from doing 3-5 reps bodyweight to 3-5 reps with 20kg chin-ups and my back grew the most form it than from doing any other back exercises.
@godofreason Well after seeing what Mike Israetel and Brad Schoenfeld call "1-0 RIR" and "to failure" I can see why there so much push for high volume.
@cybernetic Watch it again, he says that muscle fatigue exist. doing 50 sets without soreness or performance drop means intensity of each set will be bellow threshold for muscle growth . Also MRV is not CNS fatigue.