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    What’s your preferred warm up routine?

    @austinsugden I row on a rowing machine for about 3 minutes to get the whole system going. As I am doing gzclp at the moment, I warm up with the exercises themselves (for deadlifts, for instance, do some RDLs with the empty bar, then add weight in 10 kg steps, do less reps the more weight...
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    Puny person in upstairs apartment adding barbell to routine

    @rob01 I've been working out with dumbbells for 2 years, then added barbell. I found it much easier to progress with the barbell, just as you thought. Esp. for squats and deadlift, with the dumbbells, alwas one or another small stabilizing muscle hurt (I was using quite heavy dumbbells for...
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    Beginner Questions (Accessories, Volume, Recovery)

    @mhdagley I think @predrag gave great advice. I started my barbell adventure with stronglifts, but found it quite imbalanced. I am now doing the gzclp program, and absolutely love it - but it takes me more than 1 hour, because of the rest times. If your goals are strong back, legs, shoulders...
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    A seasoned old timer needs help!

    @hoangseo Can you adjust the support of the e-bike? Set it to the strongest level and drive slowly. I go to work by bike, too, and I force myself to drive slowly, not nearly as fast as I could. This way, it can help regeneration, whereas going too hard will ruin regeneration. Also, did you dial...
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    Life struggles!

    @renewed82 If you're doing a manual labour job and go to the gym you will have to eat quite a lot to get enough energy. Some ideas: get your carbs from whole wheat flour and other not highly processed food. This way, your blood sugar and insulin won't go on a roller coaster and the need to get...
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    Need some help finding a program

    @lucy97 There are lots of dumbbell only plans in the internet. I have bought a book about dumbbell only training, but that's in German. Maybe try this plan: You can do that longer than 6 weeks, of course, if you use...