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  1. J

    How to improve muscle up

    @jaketd Yikes. I better start getting my numbers up then. Thanks for the tip!
  2. J

    How to improve muscle up

    @luke2017 I see. Thanks for the tips. I only included the chicken wing detail to emphasize how terrible I was at doing the muscle up, but I don't do it anymore.
  3. J

    How to improve muscle up

    @kcame38 Ok. I have already included those in my routine, but I use a resistance band for the ring dips. Regular dips on them cause pain in my chest, so I decided to use the band and avoid the pain. I'll keep working on weighted pull ups and master the support hold. Thanks for your advice.
  4. J

    How to improve muscle up

    @kcame38 Cool. I do have rings and have been using them for a while, initially to do rows but I never truly understood how to do them, so I jumped straight to tucked front lever rows and they were a lot better for my rear delt and mid traps (the technique I use is more focused to target those...
  5. J

    How to improve muscle up

    Hi. I wanted to know if this would count as a strict muscle up (or at least a-not-so-terrible one). It's been my best attempt so far without kipping after about 9 months in calisthenics. To give you some context, the muscle up has always been the wall I hit my face with since I started. I'm a...