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  1. H

    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @amodominummusicae Fusion, T9-L4.
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    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @josephecheka Yep, Scoliosis. Glad to hear she is doing well, thanks for the luck!
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    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @marsiay Thank you!
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    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @gbakasa I have had to restrain myself from saying a variation of that. Haha
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    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @dawn16 Lol, thanks!
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    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @jonea Yes, eating was 100% the hardest part. I found mass gainer shakes helped a lot, plus calorie dense foods,, and then I was also put on a medication that upped my appetite some so that helped, lol.
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    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    I started doing the recommended routine about 6 months ago, and at the time couldn't do a pushup or a deadhang. For some reason my core has always been super strong though. I've had abs since I was 6. 😄 Due to a shoulder injury my progress was slower than I would've liked (couldn't dead hang...