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  1. X

    I [18F] kinda dislike going to the gym and being active and I don’t know how to fix it

    @alesus2 And it doesn't have to be structured. Just moving more or challenging yourself in simple day life does help as well. I do vertical push-ups using the counter while waiting for something to cook. I'll take stairs slowly two at a time, focusing on engaging the right muscles and being...
  2. X

    Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

    @mikeliznsam As creepy and morally wrong as it was, if OP is in the US, it's not illegal. The cops can talk to him but he didn't break any laws. The hot tub is a public area where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. If it was the locker room, it would be different.