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  1. G

    Squat form check please :)

    @arealwomanalwyz Seconding the comments on your wrists, with heavy weights there is bound to be a little bit of “pull” but yours seem to be moving backwards and forwards as you squat. You need to ditch that pad as it is causing the bar to roll on your back. You have very little, if any upper...
  2. G

    Squat Form Check

    @chisel You also might benefit from either a) ditching shoes entirely, or b) squatting with either squat shoes or a small plate under your heels. It might sound counterintuitive but my squat form (I also shifted forward a bit) improved significantly when I wore an actual pair of squat shoes with...
  3. G

    Squat Form Check

    @lovejoypeaceetc The definitive answer should be when the crease of your hip is below your knee. As you can see with this squat her hip crease is right around even with/about an inch above her knee. She would get 3 red lights in a powerlifting competition but it is not terrible depth for 5x5...
  4. G

    Squat Form Check

    @lovejoypeaceetc If this is a genuine question she is squatting to about parallel. I wouldn’t call it depth but her questions wasn’t really about depth and more about shifting forward. If you are looking to compete or post heavy squats on Instagram this is not acceptable depth. If you are...