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    Dexa Body Fat % Results Table by Height and Weight

    @soundofsleep The 19% lady has a lot more muscle than 35% lady.
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    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy Presumably the undereating and sleeping was a factor in that though?
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    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy I would try nsuns again, you might not be past linear progression if you are eating enough.
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    starting out a 4-ish month plan to get fit, let me know what you think of it!

    @earthbear This is such a weird plan. Why are you doing 10 minutes of exercise one week, 20 minutes another, then jumping up to 1-2 hours? What exercises are you actually doing?
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    Not sure whether to continue cutting, stay at maintenance, or eat at a surplus (progress photos)

    @imalamb You probably don't need that much extra protein! Here's a good summary of the research.
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    DEXA Results | 1Yr Update: Progression is not Linear (29F/5’0/24.5% > 19.8% > 20.7%)

    @mtbking30 She said she wants to gain muscle and is surprised she didn't gain any in a year. Maintaining the lowest BMI isn't conducive to this goal, as she has very little fat to start with.
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @_marc97 I'm surprised at most of the comments agreeing it works. Though maybe I shouldn't be surprised, as many people here seem afraid of gaining weight. You're 5' 109lb so you probably don't have much fat to lose - that makes recomp very hard. You'd probably progress much quicker if you start...
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    Options to maximize movement outside of office. Am I doing enough?

    @chelsea_harper I'm listening to small town murder on Spotify at the moment which is interesting!
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    Options to maximize movement outside of office. Am I doing enough?

    @chelsea_harper I'm exactly the same as you! I lift 4 times a week and try to do hiit 2 times. I also live a 10 minute cycle/25 minute walk to work. Whenever I cycle, I feel lazy and like I am not doing as much exercise as I should. I try to walk to work as much as possible and I feel better...
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    DEXA Results: 5'6''| 24 y.o. | 139lbs (63kg) | 24%. Cardio Bunny/HIIT Lover Ambivalent towards Past Year of Lifting

    @amytai If you're looking for a higher intensity programme, I recommend /r/nsuns. You won't necessarily get extra sweaty but I feel wiped after a workout (I always want to lie on the floor in the gym after leg day, lol).