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    Ugh. Didn’t complete the scaled version and feel like a failure

    @ilovejesus56129 It was so tough. I was shocked at the number of athletes at our box who I consider to be way above my ability level get capped or come pretty darn close to it. People who I expected to kill it! You showed up and you did it. Be proud of what you did and don't let it get you down.
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @jbhoneyangel Probably technique but maybe also a bit in your head? I get in my head about the things I think I can't do... I had a similar experience with wall walks. They were so hard for me and I was like... I'm never gonna get it, I'm only gonna do half wall walks and just get through the...
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    Box Owner Question

    @skizzik183 IMHO only offering free membership as compensation sounds a bit like exploitation to me... the thought honestly didn't even cross my mind that the coaches at my box might not get paid and I'm disappointed that it sounds like this is a practice at some boxes. What's it to the owner to...
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    Just joined a CF gym and I’m confused

    @nicolenik Many of the exercises from the WODs you posted work those muscle groups you called out (search for "[insert exercise here] muscles activated" for each of them and you'll find out). CF is a full-body workout rather than isolating different areas, as others have already commented. With...
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    Can we talk weight gain?

    @pdbcm Similar thing happened to me, I've gained about 5 pounds which is almost certainly from muscle. I'm interested to do one of those body scans to see what my body fat %. I have no "before" to compare it to but can confirm that my body comp has changed. Clothes fit me differently; my pants...
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    How to improve my cardio?

    @girljesus ^ This is the way. Long and slow, and also realize you are going to have to work on this outside of CF, however, regular CF sessions should put you in a better position than if you were starting from "zero". I improved my cardio fitness and stamina by dedicating an amount of time to...
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    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    @nith Agreed, I would have a hard time committing to a 90 min class for all of the reasons you've already stated. I'm able to go in the mornings during the work week because they're only 60 mins - I can go without having to get up at 4am and still only start my work day about 15-20 mins late...