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  1. X

    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @raymo Yeah. I tried hanging my rings from my doorway pull-up bar and adjusting them to be about the same height as the b-bars would be (132cm at their maximum height). This is too low for me. I don't mind having to do an L-sit or tuck my knees (this seems to be much easier than I expected it...
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    Thanks for all the thoughts! So no one has any experience of how long it takes to convert the b-bars between rows height and pull-ups height mid-workout?
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @raykay Yeah I might get that large pull-up bar at some point because having to occupy a doorway to do pull-ups is inconvenient (and other things like rows or dips using rings on a pull-up bar). On the other hand the big bar looks like it takes up quite a lot of space in a room when you're not...
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @joycee1971 Good to know. Thanks!
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @joycee1971 Good to know about the ring ab rollouts. I was also wondering about converting the b-bars between maximum height (for pull-ups) and minimum height (for rows) mid-workout. How long does it take / how fiddly is it to change the height? Is this something you're going to want to do in...
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @vince304 Thanks! That might save me some cash and space on a dip equipment
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @vince304 I've got a feeling that ring dips are far too hard for me, those are a pretty advanced version aren't they?
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    The "baseball chins" in this video at 0:47. Okay that's not quite a pull-up exactly but you get the idea: you can do it just by raising your knees instead of having to do an L-sit
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @power1 Yeah, I've never tried it but I seriously doubt that I can do L-sit pull-ups. Somewhere I saw a video of someone doing pull-ups on b-bars with his knees raised up towards his chest rather than in an L-sit, I'm sure that's harder than a normal pull-up as well but it's probably a lot...
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    Anyone using BaseBlocks B-Bars to do the recommended routine? I think you could use them to do many of the exercises in the recommended routine: pull-ups, dips, rows, ring ab rollouts. You'd still need to figure something out for nordic curls, pallof presses, and reverse hyperextensions, but...